CNI News

25 October 2023

Those who wanted to renew their passport for job (PJ) and passport for seamen (PS) must pay income tax for six months in advance when they applied for proof to have paid tax already, the Internal Revenue Department told CNI News.

If a certificate of having paid tax already at the Internal Revenue Department can be shown, passport renewal can be performed, Myanmar Passport Issuance Board stated.

When applying for a certificate of having paid tax already, income tax for six months from 1st October 2023 to 31st March 2024 must be paid in advance as the income tax is two percent of minimum wage rate available in the destination country, an official from the Central Board of Taxation Service told CNI News.

While seeing the statement released by the Internal Revenue Department

" During the past few days, the office that provides service for passport renewal has asked those who come and renew their passports especially PJ and PS to show certificates of having paid tax already. If they show the certificates, their passports can be renewed. 
Three or four departments have to negotiate details. Some people change their PJs into passport for visit (PV). Some countries have not been able to designate basic salary. The ministries still are negotiating. Detailed facts will come out." he said.

When a person takes a certificate of having paid tax already, citizen registration card, household table, if he is a seaman, a contract for work and agreement evidence for salary must be shown together. 

If all the necessary information and documents were complete in obtaining such approval, it would take an applicant about two days, according to the Internal Revenue Department.

While seeing those who are waiting to apply for passports

It is impractical to tax someone who has not yet been paid and only if passports of seamen were valid, their application form would be accepted by their employers and the Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service (SRPS), so salary rate could not be estimated in advance,  Myanmar Seafarers Federation has stated.

Because countries are different in types of paying salaries, it should be taken into account, the people helping migrant workers pointed out. When taking certificates of having paid tax, the roles of brokers would be important. Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Thai-based Arakan Workers Organization, told CNI News.

" We are worried that a lot of brokers will arise. When someone, for example, wants to go to Korea or Japan or Thailand, he wants to get a new passport. But the government will renew his passport only if he has necessary information and documents. But are the documents real? By reason of that, agencies could ask more money. OK, if you don't have the documents, no problem. Give me how much money. I'll apply for you. In this way, brokers will arise. In fact, it encourages brokers and agencies to enable them to ask more money." he said.  

Because those who want to renew their PJ and PS passports are asked to show certificates of having paid tax and income tax for six months must be paid in advance, the number of people who will go abroad illegally might increase, which some people review.