CNI News

14 May 2024

The No-3 Thanlyin Bridge that is being constructed over the river to connect Thaketa Township with Thanlyin Township is about to be completed. So, the price of real estate in Thanlyin Township is getting higher than before, according to real estate agents. Real estate prices have risen by about one third of what they used to be, Ma Jue Jue, a real estate agent, told CNI News.

" There are people who buy real estate. The prices are also going up by about one third of what they used to be. The prices of real estate in Thanlyin are cheaper than other places. If you have about 300 lakh kyats, you can buy a land lot whose area is 1,200 or 2,400 square feet. The bridge (No.3 Thanlyin Bridge) will be open in July. It's likely that the prices are going up. But the prices are cheaper than in Dagon Myothit (North)." she said.

Although real estate agents used to buy land lots, there are more people coming to buy for living now and although a land lot (20'x60') could be bought at around 900 lakh kyats in the past, now it must be paid 1,300 lakh kyats.

While eeing the Thanlyin Bridge

Although real estate transactions tend to be low during the rainy season, because the land lots to be sold are very few, the prices could not be lower, Ma Htet Mon, a real estate agent, told CNI News.

" We had to sell land lots or real estate in the last rainy season. The transaction tends to lower a bit in the rainy season. But the prices would be changed. There are not many real estate and land lots which are going to be sold. These days, the people are buying and saving land lots and real estate." she said.

Although a lot of government grant land lots were bought before in Thanlyin Township in the past, buying other kinds of land has become higher now and there are hardly any land lots to be sold in some wards, said real estate agents.

While seeing the entrance sign of Thanlyin City

If the construction of No-3 Thanlyin Bridge was finished, traffic jams currently taking place on the No-1 Thanlyin Bridge would be resolved. Moreover, you could reach downtown Yangon in such a short time from Thanlyin.

Besides, as the Thilwa Special Economic Zone is located in Thanlyin Township, Thanlyin probably will be the best town to do business. On top of that, prices of real estate of neighboring townships such as Kyauktan, Thongwa and Kayan could go up, according to people.