CNI News

15 May 2024

In response to the evolving economic environment, the Ministry of Labor is planning to put forward a bill to protect workers, reported in the Thai media. Basic social security benefits and strong legal protection are more beneficial to the migrant workers in Thailand. 

However, they were working only to increase wages, U Min Oo, In charge of Labor Affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development (FED), told CNI News.

" They mainly discuss about not asking workers to work for more than eight hours and about giving pregnant workers maternity leave. And they are also discussing about increasing wages. It must be approved in October. 40 percent of the employers agree to give workers 400 bahts a day. But 17 percent doesn't agree with it. The rest percent agree to give wages, depending on qualification." he said.

A workplace in a garment factory

Although the Thai government is planning to increase until 400 bahts, some employers don't agree to increase wages and it should be reconsidered, they argued. However, according to a research, because the percentage that agree is more, wages could be increased until 400 bahts, said U Min Oo.

In the bill proposed, not only to promote the workers' skill, development and recognition, funds also would be built to protect workers, said the Minister for Labor.

He hoped that restriction regarding jobs on migrant workers would be relaxed in the bill, Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Arakan workers Organization, told CNI News.

Migrant workers who are coming back from a construction site

" The Thai authorities reviewed the laws regarding workers and they formed a committee which cooperates with regional non-government organizations to collect figures and lists. Depending on the facts and information the committee submit, they will make a decision whether the laws should be amended or not. Mainly, what we demanded is to relax the restriction on migrant workers regarding kinds of jobs. For example, migrant workers are not allowed to open a barber shop or to sell goods." he said.

A working committee was formed to find job opportunities for workers and 20 million people are illegally working as farmers, roadside vendors, sub-contract workers, taxi drivers and those who serve in the transportation, reported the Thai media quoted by the minister.