CNI News

20 May 2024

Employers in China were exploiting Myanmar workers who came through the China-Myanmar border by not fully paying, the philanthropic associations in Muse told CNI News. 

Although some factories originally had said that they would pay 2,000 yuan per month to workers, the workers were not fully paid on the payday. 

Moreover, workers who entered China with one time use border pass were threatened by employers, U Sein Hla Aung, vice chairman of Kanlet Kunyi philanthropic association, told CNI News.

"Myanmar workers went to the Chinese side in a way all employees of a garment factory in Yangon went there. They were all taken to the factories. Chinese employers told Myanmar workers that they would pay 2,000 yuan (about 1,000,000 kyats) per month. Myanmar workers were gradually underpaid from 1,800, 1,600 to 1,000 yuan. Residence permit of Myanmar workers is illegal. They had to enter the Chinses side with the one week border pass cards. When the Chinese employers said to Myanmar workers,If you don't accept, you can leave. But as soon as some workers who were not satisfied with left the factory, the employers called the police and asked to arrest the workers and then these workers were sent back to Myanmar." he said.

While seeing a departmental office in Jiegao, China

Although 2,000 yuan has been designated as the basic salary in China, some workers are underpaid reportedly. Although being underpaid existed in China since before, these incidences are more and more at present.

Most of Myanmar workers who are working on the Chinese side entered with temporary border pass (TBP) cards and many of them are working in China as overstayers, according to philanthropic associations. 

Because there have been an increase in the number of people staying as overstayers, Chinese authorities are arresting illegal residents and sending 100 people back to Myanmar every day, an official from Beautiful Heart philanthropic association, told CNI News.

While seeing those who were waiting to go to Jiegao, China

" The Chinese authorities are arresting overstayers and the people who sneaked in. The authorities often jail those who sneaked in for 9 or 10 months and then they are sent back." he said.

About 300 Myanmar people in Muse are leaving for the Chinses side each day with TBPs and red books, Moreover, bride trafficking market for Chinese men which gives incentives to Myanmar women that they will get jobs is getting bigger reportedly.

So, if Chinese employers guaranteed Myanmar workers that they would offer jobs, the workers should not go to China with TBPs and their guarantees should not be trusted, suggested philanthropic associations.