CNI News

28 May 2024

Although the rainy season has set in, because the IDPs in Rakhine State, they are finding it difficult for their livelihoods reportedly. 

Some IDPs have gone back to their native places because battles have sharply decreased in their townships. So, social assistance associations and other organization didn't come to donate anymore, those in charge of the camps said.

Not only did the IDPs not get help, jobs are also scarce for them. So, they were finding it more difficult, U Nyi Pu, in charge of the Sinbaw gaing camp, told CNI News.

While seeing the houses that were damaged during battles in Rakhine State

" Recently, the IDPs from our camp don't get anymore of grant money. For the time being, battles have decreased around here. Some IDPs have gone home. So, social assistance organizations don't give any help anymore, I heard. But there are about 100 family members left here. Among them, some have no place to live, in other words, they are homeless. It's not convenient for them because the rainy season has set in. They have no jobs. When there will be heavy rains and strong winds, jobs will be scarcer. They are finding it for their livelihood." he said.

There are over 500,000 IDPs in the territory controlled by the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State and among them, 80 percent are Rohingya people from Buthidaung and Maungdaw and the rest are Rakhine people, stated the AA.

Baby care products and feminine hygiene products including basic foodstuffs are needed. So, the AA has urged CSOs and social assistance associations including international organizations to help the IDPs. Moreover, because artillery shells fell and exploded at some IDP camps and there are dropping bombs from planes, some IDPs are fleeing to safety.

People who have fled from camps to avoid fighting should be helped, Daw Hla Aye Saw from the Myadazaung IDP Camp, told CNI News.

While seeing Rakhine IDPs

" We haven't received any assistance for 4 or 5 months. Our IDPs are no more in the IDP camp. We have separate houses in the camp. Now the houses have collapsed. Because the IDPs have no jobs, they are not convenient for their livelihood. When they live in their villages, I want assistance organizations to help them. People are not allowed to live in group. I wonder who told that. There are no rescue organizations any more. Fighting took place at Mrauk U. Planes dropped bombs. People there didn't dare to go on living. They had to flee again." she said.

There are IDPs by the lakhs in Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Minbya, Mrauk U, Ranbye, Buthidaung and Maungdaw Townships at present and they have difficulties to get enough food and accommodations reportedly.