CNI News

29 May 2024

In exporting Myanmar onions abroad, because of difficult trade routes, the prices of onion have decreased, according to onion traders. 

Myanmar onions are being exported to China through the Myla border trade in eastern Shan State and Lweje border trade in Kachin State; to Thailand through Htoh Kaw Koh route, Kawthaung-Ranong route and Sinkhun-Maw Taung route.

However, because battles are currently taking place in Kachin State; Htoh Kaw Koh road is being damaged due to heavy rain; Kyon Eik Bridge and Bilin Bridge were mined and damaged and cannot be used, exporting onion to China and Thailand have been suspended reportedly.

So, the price of onion within the country had decreased and it was not easy in order to make the onion market recover, U Aung Myint, an onion trader from Myingyan, told CNI News.

" Because of difficult export routes, transportation is delayed. Even goods that have already been sold cannot be exported. Warehouses are full with goods. So, the prices are declining. Unless export routes are good, it won't be easy to make the market recover." he said.

The domestic price of onion was 2,200 Kyats per viss last week and the price is gradually decreasing. Currently, the price is only 1,700 Kyats per viss.

If difficult export routes are going on existing, the price of onion can decline anymore, estimated some people. Moreover, because there are difficult transportations in carrying onion from villages to onion broker's sales centers and truck fare is high, the price is declining, according to onion traders from Pakokku.

Because the Myanmar Tatmadaw and check points commandeer trucks in Pakokku Township, the arrival of onion to the wholesales centers has been low, U Kyaw Thaung, an onion trader from Pakokku told CNI News.

" The transportation is not good to carry onion. The roads from Pakokku have been often closed. It's 30 miles away from my village, Chet Myon, to Pakokku. We have to pay the truck fare 200 Kyats per viss, but 180 kyats per viss if you carry onion to Pathein that is about 300 miles away from Pakokku. Today, onion trucks don't enter because trucks are commandeered. The price of onion today is 1,800 kyats per viss. The arrival of onion is low. Truck owners are afraid of their trucks to be commandeered. When a truck is commandeered, the truck owner has pay a driver 80,000 to 100,000 Kyats each day." he said.

Because of difficult transportation to export onion abroad, onions are piling up by the lakh vises to export abroad in the brokers' sale centers and depots reportedly.

At present, onions are being exported abroad by sea and traders are trying to export onions to Thailand through Kawthaung border, using motor boats.