CNI News

5 June 2024

14 accused persons who were making foreign exchange rates unstable and doing business of illegal foreign currency trading, including brokers were arrested, reported the State Administration Council (SAC) on 3rd June.

According to those arrested, 11 manipulators who were carrying out behind the scenes to make the foreign exchange rates unstable were absconding, so the SAC issued an arrest warrants on them.

Those who are running away as fugitives are Ba Nyunt from Perfect Green Money Changer, Wunna Tun from Sunflower Money Changer, Khayan Thongwa Gold Shop and illegal foreign currency sellers - Thet Naung Win, Hla Min, Utsman (b) Jack, Tin Ko Oo (b) John, Than Tun Aung, Ye Ko (b) Wai Min Khaung, Ye Min Aung and brokers - Ei Ei Kyaw (b) Ma War and Tin Kyaw Kyaw (b) Arnold.

14 people who have been arrested would be taken action against in accordance with the law and it was carrying out to arrest the fugitives, reported the SAC.