CNI News

28 June 2024

Battles are severely breaking out in Kyaukme Township and some residents of the town are trapped, said locals. 

The battles have been breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA) since 25th June. 

The people from some wards of the town are being trapped in the battles, and phone lines and electricity have been out of order, a resident of Kyaukme told CNI News.

" We can't go out. Many residents of the town have to stay at home. We don't know where to go because we are hearing the sounds of gunshots and heavy weapons around our environment. Shops and stores have been closed. We can't buy anything. Because we can't go there, we don't know whether the prices are going up or down." he said.

While seeing the streets of Kyaukme Town without traffic and the people who are trapped in the battle

At present, the TNLA and joint forces have captured hospitals and departments in Kyaukme and they are attacking the Light Infantry Battalion - 501 and 502 of the Myanmar Tatmadaw reportedly.

As the battles have become severe, some residents of the town were trying to displace while others were saying that they would never leave the town, a resident of the town told CNI News.

While seeing the TNLA Force(Frontier Myanmar) 

" Residents of the town don't have any income. They have to save and spend on food and drink every day. You can't receive medical treatment at the hospital because the TNLA has captured the hospital already. Some want to displace while others don't. Even if you want to leave the town, exits have been closed. Those who don't want to leave the town don't know where to go." he said.

Requests would be made to both organizations to enable local residents to flee to safety, he added. The battles broke out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the TNLA joint forces in Kyaukme, Thibaw, Naung Cho, Mogok and Madaya in northern Shan State on 25th June and locals had to flee to safety.