CNI News

1 July 2024

Myanmar Ex-President U Thein Sein was invited by the Chinese government to attend 70th anniversary celebration of the approval of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that was held on 28th June. 

U Thein Sein went to China on a Tatmadaw (Air) special plane and attended the ceremony.

Chinese media reported photos of U Thein Sein and Xi Jinping shaking hands at the event.

The Bandung Conference that was held in Bandung City, Indonesia in 1955 was attended by the leaders of 29 countries from Asia and Africa and they approved the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence that were agreed by China, India and Myanmar.

While it was difficult to find a solution to the widening political conflict in Myanmar, emergence of U Thein Sein's visit to China might bring effects, reviewed political analysts.