CNI News

14 July 2022

The State Administration Council was likely to expel the British ambassador to Myanmar due to his contempt for Myanmar, Political Observer U Ye Tun told the CNI News.

On 13 July, British ambassador Mr. Pete Vowels said on Twitter that he was pressured to leave the country.

U Ye Tun told the CNI, “He came to Myanmar after being appointed as the ambassador but he refused to present his credentials to Myanmar. This amounted to contempt for the country and did not comply with the provisions for appointment of ambassadors under the Geneva Convention. So, it was assumed that he showed contempt for the country.

“Sad & Sorry to have been forced by the Junta to leave but glae we didn’t cave to pressure to legitimize their coup,” Mr. Pete Vowels tweeted.

 Tweets of British Ambassador Mr. Pete Vowels.

After the Tatmadaw took over power on 1st February 2021, both the SAC and the opposition group tried to be recognized and the British ambassador had to leave the country as a result of the recognition struggle, Political Analyst U Sai Tun Aung Lwin told the CNI.

He said, “It was found that powerful countries have differing views on how to treat the country and on the other hand, countries are concerned that they recognize the legitimacy of either group to a certain extent. The British diplomat was first sent to Myanmar as an ambassador but they were concerned that appointment of the ambassador amounted to recognizing the junta’s legitimacy. When such concerns were raised, the diplomat’s rank was lowered to charge de affairs. At first, he was not allowed to enter the country when he was appointed as an ambassador in July 2021. Later, he was allowed to enter the country and forced to leave. He was a victim of the battle for legitimacy.”

Mr. Pete Vowels served as the British ambassador to Myanmar as of August 2021.

The British government has imposed targeted sanctions on the SAC for ousting the civilian government