CNI News

17 July 2022

The PDF suicide bomber is recognized as a hero but suicide bombing is not encouraged, political analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

A suicide bombing was carried out by the PDF when Tatmadaw personnel, who stationed at a monaster in Thedaw Village in Yesagyo in Magway Region, tried to shoot and arrest PDF members.

“This is the first suicide bombing carried out by the PDF. I recognize that this is the most violent reaction to the atrocities of the SAC but I do not want to encourage such methods, which amount to kamikaze carried out by Japanese soldiers who sacrificed their lives with highest morale during the Second World War. Such methods could not bring victories in battles, which can only be achieved by the struggle of the entire people,” he told the CNI.

A PDF member from Yesagyo told the Khit Thit Media that at least ten soldiers from the Tatmadaw were killed during the bombing.

 A protest in the Spring Revolution.

U Than Soe Naing said, “I honour him but I don’t want the people to pay a price for adventurism because we cannot win victories in our revolution through such methods. As I believe that it is necessary for the entire people to join the revolution in order to achieve victories, I express my own opinion.”

The suicide bombing in Yesagyo is the first of its kind in the Spring Revolution.

The Tatmadaw staged a coup to oust the NLD government by declaring a state of emergency when the NLD tried to form a government without settling voters’ lists disputes in the 2020 general election.

After the coup, anti-military pro-democracy armed struggles have broken out and armed conflicts have spread to Magway and Sagaing Regions and Chin,  Kayin and Kayah States.