CNI News

19 July 2022

Those who claimed that the Tatmadaw was deteriorating are people who want to revive the armed struggle, said Director U Thein Tun Oo of the Institute for Strategic Studies.

Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than of the National Unity Government on 17th July said that the Spring Revolution was a significant one in the history of Myanmar and it was time to topple the Tatmadaw as it had been deteriorating.

U Thein Tun Oo told the CNI, “ The problem is that the NUG is almost always making such kind of rhetoric repeatedly. We don’t know what facts they have taken into consideration. What is worse is that we are still wondering whether they are taking the situation on the ground into account. So, frankly speaking, they are saying that without considering the situation on the ground. We need to consider sound research data. Otherwise, such rhetoric is just propaganda and reflects the desire to revive the armed struggle in which they encounter problems and just for instigation.”

Mahn Win Khaing Than said that the people have contributed funds and strength without losing momentum to the Spring Revolution, which is the significant convergence of diverse ethnic, religious and regional groups in the history of Myanmar.

 NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La and PDF members.

Political analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI that the NUG was likely to announce this because they said they had controlled 48 percent of the country and had formed more than 200 battalions.

U Than Soe Naing said, “The NUG announced that they had controlled 48 percent of the country. Furthermore, the Ministry of Defence of the NUG had formed more than 200 battalions and there were more than 500 PDF forces working independently, according to them.”

Fighting has intensified in urban areas as well as in states and regions recently after the acting president of the NUG called for more offensives against the SAC troops.

After the Tatmadaw staged a coup on 1st February 2021, protests against the army  as well as armed resistance broke out in Sagaing and Magway Regions and in Kayin, Kayah ( Kareni) and Chin States.

Almost one million people have been displaced by the armed conflicts, according to the UN.