CNI News

23 July 2022

The travel warning issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the US on 21 July designating seven countries including Myanmar as places not to travel could have serious impacts, Chairman of the Myanmar Tourism Entrepreneurs Association told the CNI.

He said it was found that Myanmar was designated as a country of the level-4 red alert and the travel warning from the US has influence not only on US citizens but also on tourists from other countries.

U Naung Naung Han said, “Let me take the Philippines as an example. If Phillipnos want to travel to Myanmar but their country does not issue any travel warning against Myanmar, they will look at travel warnings issued by the US or the West. Before they travel to Myanmar, they will decide whether they should go to Myanmar based on the levels designated for Myanmar. They will hesitate or withdraw.  So, it has serious impacts on tourism. When a foreign country designates Myanmar as a place not to go, it is a drawback for the tourism industry. It is a nightmare for the industry.”

The travel warning issued by the US.

He explained that if a country is designated as a place not to go, it is very difficult to remove it from the list and will it be removed from the list only after the country has made significant progress in political stability and domestic security.

U Thet Lwin Toe, a tour operator, told the CNI that arrivals of foreign tourists can drop during the one year period of the designation of a place not to travel.

U Thet Lwin Toe said, “It is important for Myanmar to be listed in white areas but it is very difficult for Myanmar, where every area can be designated as a grey area anytime under the current circumstances of the country. As no one has spare life, citizens of all countries, not just Americans, are worried about their lives. The US government will decide in accordance with their responsibilities and political motives. I still hope if the situation improves and the entire country is peaceful within the one year period, we would not even need to advertise, to the world, tourists would come to Myanmar en masse as before since it was a tour attraction. At present, inbound tourism is still uncertain within the one year period.”

A map for tourists in Bagan.

Although some foreigners came to Myanmar at present, most of them were travelling not for vacation but on business and many of them are young people, according to the MTEA.

The US Bureau of Consular Affairs stated that internal instabilities and armed conflicts were ongoing in Myanmar.

Furthermore, the bureau also cited COVID-19 and arbitrary detention of democracy activists.

The statement especially warned travelers against some towns in Chin, Kayah Karen and Rakhine State and Sagaing Region.