CNI News 

24 July 2022

 A new constitution that is acceptable to all should be drafted at a venue like Nyaung Hna Pin to overcome the current political crisis, Chairman Dr. Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Party said. 

He said the State Administration Council should consider drafting a new constitution that is acceptable to all during the upcoming five-year term of the new government formed under the 2008 constitution in order to resolve the current political crisis. 

Dr. Aye Maung said, “If the SAC thinks the 2008 constitution is the major cause and starting point to move forward to resolve all political issues, it will have to bypass it. So, it is possible for the Sac to draft a new one through negotiations with all stakeholders at a venue like Nyaung Hna Pin within a fixed period during the tenure of the upcoming government without abolishing the 2008 constitution. Then, the new constitution can be approved during the term of the second post-coup government and parliament. Therefore, the SAC does not have to abolish the 2008 constitution, which will expire itself. So, it is possible to draft a new constitution during the five-year term of the new government which will emerge from the elections held by the SAC and rule the country under the 2008 constitution. Then, the second post-coup government will be formed under the new inclusive constitution. We don’t have to abolish the 2008 constitution, which will wither itself away. This may be recorded in the Myanmar of Myanmar as a peaceful transition.” 

SAC chairman inspect the convention hall in Nayung Hna Pin.

As the SAC said that they would amend the constitution and ethnic armed organizations said they wanted to amend the constitution or draft a new one, it is likely that a new constitution will be drafted at a venue like Nyaung Hna Pin, Political Analyst U Ye Tun told the CNI.

U Ye Tun said, “It is a possibility. Elections seem unlikely to take place. Elections are are likely to take place when they are inclusive as suggested by the ASEAN and China. Can such elections be successfully held only after negotiations with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and asking her to contest. Only then, will the people cast their votes in the elections. And the government that will emerge will gain legitimacy at home and abroad and the situation will improve. Such elections are unlikely to take place. First, if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi refuses to negotiate and calls for the recognition of the results of the 2020 elections, the SAC will not acccept the demand. If it is impossible to hold elections, the SAC is likely to tilt in favour of a new constitution.” 

  The national convention hall in Nayung Hna Pin.

If some current members of the SAC advice the body to draft a new one or to amend the old one at a venue like Nyang Hna Pin as Dr. Aye Maung suggested, there is a possibility, he added. 

SAC Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspected the Nyaung Hna Pin convention, where the 2008 constitution was drafted from 2004 to 2007. 

The inspection tour led to speculations among politicians that the SAC was making preparations to draft a new constitution.

However, SCA spokesperson Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said that the purpose of the tour was just to inspect the maintenance of the historic building and agricultural and livestock breeding special projects.