CNI News

28 July 2022

Plans are underway to implement agri-based tourism in townships surrounding Yanong in the upcoming dry season, according to Myanmar Tourism Association.

Tour destinations will be implemented in organic plantations and paddy fields in townships on the othe bank of Yangon including Twantay, Kawhmu, Thanlyin, Taikkyi and Hmawbi, Chairman of Myanmar Tour Operators Associations U Naung Naung Han told the CNI.

“As it is agricultural tourism, the projects are mainly implemented in rice cultivation areas like Twantay and Kawhmu and on the other bank of Yangon like model villages in Thanlyin and Kyauktan. Moreover, we have community-based tourism groups in such areas. They seem to carry out their duties. So, such groups are likely to emerge in Kyauktan. In Taikkyi and Hmawbi, there are shortcuts and plantations to implement agricultural tourism,” he said.

Agricultural tourism had been implemented before the pandemic but it has been hampered by the long pandemic and the political changes. Now efforts are being made to resume the projects.

Concerning the agro-based tourism to be carried out, tour operator U That Lwin Toe told the CNI, “It sounds very nice but I don’t know who will visit the sites. Tourists are very important for us.  People from our country also visit other countries. However, foreign tourists prioritize security. Furthermore, foreigners regard the areas as red alert ones. So, most shun our country because it is very difficult for local people to travel from one place to another.”

It was learnt that the tour program would be introduced in the dry season in October.

The MTEA is conducting data collection with plantation owners and has started negotiations with them.

Agro-based tourism is being implemented in PyinOoLwin and Shan State and can attract domestic foreign tourists, it was learnt.