CNI News

2 August 2022

The Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) told CNI that raising the basic wages of migrant workers including Myanmar in Thailand, from the current specified amount 320 Baht to 492 Baht, is being requested.

In that regard, it is known that MWRN cooperated with Thai Labour Solidarity Committee (TLSC), the National Labour Union League and the case has been submitted to the Thai Ministry of Labour.

U Bri from MWRN said, “The wage rise to 492 Baht has been demanded, with the intention that it would still be beneficial to the workers, even if only 10 Baht or 20 Baht is increased. In Thailand, as the prices of goods are on the rise, it becomes quite hard to stand with the daily wage of only 325 Baht. In addition to the wages not being excessive, it even becomes insufficient for a living. The reason why I say insufficient is that now it even costs 250 Baht for a kilo of pork and 280 Baht if it is meat only. In the past, the pork price is just around 130-140 Baht per kg. Here in Thailand, the rice price has increased, the oil price also becomes higher and everything regarding goods’ prices has gone up. As the prices surge day by day, it becomes difficult for the livelihood with the current daily wages.”

Although it is set that the basic wage of a worker in Thailand is about 320 Baht per day, there are still some workplaces where the workers cannot get the full pay of 320 Baht. And it is said that in some workplaces, there are also days that they do not have to work when the employers cannot afford to pay the wages to them due to the economic conditions.

Seeing a female worker from a seafood supply chain in Thailand

Ko Lay Nhyin who is working in Thailand said, “a person’s daily wage is 320 Baht, but it is not like we have to work every day, there are also days we do not have work, and that leads to the financial struggles. Besides, the accommodation costs, electricity charges, water costs are expensive. If we, Burmese people are not here in Thailand, it won’t have been easy for them in their works. If it is not 492 Baht, over 400 Baht for example, should be given as the basic daily wage. That is what we want to make a request to Thai authorities.”

Last June, the basic wage to the skilled workers from 16 jobs nationwide in Thailand was increased, but migrant workers including Myanmar did not include in it.

“The basic wage currently set might be enough for a worker’s expenditure, but there is no surplus,” U Bri from MWRN told CNI.

“Most of the migrant workers who come to Thailand have financial difficulties for the families while in their home country. Thus, when they come here, they have their parents, children, relatives who depend on them and they need to send the money, at least 2 lakhs to 3 lakhs per month to them for the sake of their children’s education and family’s livelihoods. So, in that case, it might be convenient for him for the living, but not for his children and family who stand with his income,” he said.

Temporary labor card (BAT-pink card) will be issued to illegal migrant workers working in Thailand starting from August 1 and it is said that workers will be recruited to solve the problem of the demand for labor and the illegal entry of the workers.