CNI News

4 August 2022

Victory of the ongoing Spring Revolution was sure for them who were brave for the truth, Prime Minister of the National Unity Government Mahn Win Khaing Than said.

He said at the 62nd Meeting of the NUG that the people of Myanmar not only were brave but also showed their perseverance for 17 months of the revolution.

The NUG prime minister said, “Only the just will win victory, which is sure for us, who are brave for the truth. Our people not only are brave but also showed their perseverance for 17 months. It is the bravery, perseverance and morale of the people that meet the criteria. As we have fought but for the firm conviction that we will never back to the military slavery based on the self-worth without any assistance from other countries since the beginning of the revolution, we can now assess the level of the revolution by looking at the serious deterioration of morale on the side of the junta.”

Protestors staging demonstrations by holding placards that read “The military must never be allowed to rule the country.” (ISP-fb)

After the ouster of the civilian government by the military on 1st February, 2021, the NUG started the armed struggle along with the protest movement against the military.

Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI that the resistance forces of the Spring Revolution had controlled 48 percent of the country.

U Than Soe Naing said, “ It is a general concept that the just will prevail over the unjust in the long term. Today’s struggle was born out of the brutal crackdown of peaceful unarmed people who opposed the coup of the junta. And the struggle has gained momentum and violent fighting has erupted between junta troops and resistance forces of the NUG, the PDF and EAOs in the entire country. This is a reality. In terms of territorial control, the forces of the Spring Revolution have controlled 48 percent of the area of the country and only 51 percent was left in the hands of the SAC.”

Currently, fighting has been raging between the junta troops and alliances of the PDF and EAOs in Karen State, Kayah (Karenni) State, Sagaing Region and Magway Region.

Meanwhile, over 1.2 million civilian population have been internally displaced by the fighting in the entire country, according to a report released by the UNOCHA Myanmar on 31 July.