CNI News

11 August 2022

The Karen National Liberation Army, on 10th August, vowed to realize four principles of its late leader Saw Ba U Gyi including decision-making for its own political destiny.

The pledge was made in a message sent to the 72nd Anniversary to Karen National Martyrs’ Day, which falls on 12th August.

Saw Ba U Gyi adopted four principles: “Surrender is out of the question,” “The recognition of the Karen Country must be completed,” “We shall retain our arms,” and “We shall decide our own political destiny,” according to the message.

He applied three approaches such as political dialogue for a negotiated settlement with Burmese Government, armed struggle and international intervention or arrangement for the Karen people.

The KNLA said in its message, “It has been 73 years since the Karen Revolution started. We have continued our struggle relentlessly for more than 70 years by performing duties which fall on our shoulders and into our hands as historical ones as the mission launched by sacrificing lives of our leader Saw Ba U Gyi, other leaders, comrades and our people has not been accomplished. There are thousands of our leaders, comrades and people who sacrificed their lives for the Karen Revolution without being recognized as martyrs. We would like to urge all to continue to perform unfulfilled historical duties.

Chairman Saw Ba U Gyi

As each leader, comrade and individual has their own duties to be performed, we would like to urge all to stand steadfastly on our principles and approaches laid down by Chairman Saw Ba U Gyi and successive leaders by following guidance and instructions of superior leaders,” the message says.

The Karen Revolution started in 1949 and the current chairman of the Karen National Union is Gen. Mutu Say Poe.

The KNLA and the Karen National Defence Organization are armed wings of the KNU.

Along with other EAOs, the KNU signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with the government on 15th October 2015.