CNI News

16 August 2022

The Karen National Union issued a statement saying no other organizations would be permitted to set up administrative mechanisms in areas controlled by it.

KNU Brigade-1 (Thaton District) issued the statement prohibiting organizational activities that fail to comply with rules and regulation of the KNU such as incitement of political differences and misunderstanding among the public by any organizations and endangering public security and rights.

Similarly, KNU Brigade-3 denied the news reports about opening a PDF clinic in Ywakantlant Village, Warhtoesike Village Tract in Kyaukkyi Township and that it was providing medical services and training to village youths.


Any organizations that intend to do something in Kyaukkyi Administrative areas are required to seek approvals from the relevant township authorities and to carry out their activities in accordance with rules and regulations of the KNU.

  The statement of the KNU.

It is necessary to solve the problems through the negotiations with the National Unity Government, Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

U Than Soe Naing told the CNI, “It is difficult to assess the situation on the ground as I don’t know much about what happened there. However, the PDF and the EAOs are organizations that will have to cooperate for the Spring Revolution. It is sad that disagreement and conflicts broke out between the two. The way to solve the problems is through the NUG and to prevent armed conflicts. I will have to say just that.”

 The statement of the KNPP.

He added that the two organizations are alliances for the Spring Revolution, unity between them is important for the revolution.

The Karenni National Progressive Party had to lodge a protest against the NUG in April, 2022, when its Ministry of Home Affairs formed administrative bodies in Kayah State.

Armed conflicts have broken out between the alliance of the KNLA and the PDF and the junta while the alliance between the KA, the armed wing of the KNPP, and local PDFs are fighting the Tatmadaw.

The KNU is one of the signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.