CNI News

17 August 2022

The ceremony to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the establishment of the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) is held today (August 16) at SSPP/SSA Headquarters Martyrs’ Mausoleum, Wan Hai village.

SSA was established in 1964, but the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) established in 1971. The first chairman of SSPP is Sao Say Lain, a Palaung.

At the present, SSPP/SSA is a Shan armed group that has signed a ceasefire agreement (Bilateral) with the government as the State Level – Union Level Initiative.

Similarly, SSPP also is a member of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC) led by the United Wa State Army (UWSA).