CNI News
11 May 2024

The India-based Zomi Revolutionary Organization/Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRO/ZRA) and the Zomi Political Cooperation Committee (ZPCC)/ZRA Eastern Command that enter Chin State are gathering Zomi clans in Myanmar, India and Bangladesh and trying to build Zomi country, the Chin National Front (CNF) accused and stated on 9th May, 2024.

The ZRO/ZRA that was formed in 1993 is a Zomi clan armed group that revolutionizes against the Indian government and according to the agreement reached between the Indian government and the ZRO/ZRA in 2005, had stood as a Border Guarder Force and based in Manipur State, the CNF stated.

After that, the ZRO/ZRA which went against the Indian Government entered Chin State, Myanmar under the name of the ZPCC/ZRA (Eastern Command) in 2013 and the political objective of the ZRO/ZRA which has based in Manipur State, India was to dominate other clans in Manipur State, the CNF accused.

"The political objective of the ZPCC/ZRA (Eastern Command) that is active in Chinland ( Chin State) is to gather Tedim, Tonzang Townships in Chinland as well as Kalay and Kabaw regions in Sagaing Region and to build Zomi State. The ultimate political goal of the ZRO/ZRA and the ZPCC/ZRA (Eastern Command) is to gather Zomi clans in Myanmar, India and Bangladesh to build Zomi country." the CNF accused.

While seeing the statement released by the CNF

The ZRO/ZRA and ZPCC/ZRA pay the tax to the regionally based Myanmar Tatmadaw has owned many acres of poppy plantation in the forest belt in which there are Phoisat, Suang hoih, Seimei and Mualpi Villages.


Local people have been allowed to grow poppy and they have to pay tax. They collect tax at the border checkpoints and the tender the Myanmar Tatmadaw is carrying out in Tedim and Tonzang Townships, the CNF stated.

The reason why the CNF was fighting against the ZRA was because the CNF wanted to control the border trade route and to collect tax, said a person close to the CNF.

" At present, the CNF is trying to dominate Chin State. The reason why the CNF is fighting against the ZRA is because the CNF wants to control the trade route. The CNF is collecting tax at 2 percent on commodity in Chin State. The people from Hakha and Thantlan might like the CNF. But other Chin people don't like the CNF. To tell you frankly, the people from the border area prefer the military council. In any case, when the military council had controlled the border, they were able to make a living. When the CNF attacked the border gate and India has closed the gate, it's difficult for them to make a living." he said.

While seeing the CNF force

The battles are currently breaking out in Tedim Township and near the border area. The six Chin ethnic armed groups have warned the CNF not to conduct any military movements in Tedim and Tonzang Townships.

According to the CNF, the ZRA and the Infantry Battalion-268 of the Tatmadaw met and discussed and the following points were agreed- (1) the State Administration Council must lead to draft the Zogam Charter; (2) the SAC must lead in order to build Zomi State;(3) the ZRA must be recognized as the Border Guard Force; (4) the ZPCC/ZRA must be allowed to move in Tedim and Tonzang; (5) the ZPCC/ZRA must completely get rid of the PDF and the CDF, and must fight against the armed organizations in Kalay, Kabaw and Tamu to expell; (6) the ZPCC/ZRA must arrest those who have joined the CDM; (7) the ZPCC/ZRA must plot various stories and hurt the images of the CNF, the CDF and PDF and must fight against them, regarding as enemy.

However, the ZRA explained that it didn't cooperate with the Myanmar Tatmadaw and any agreements were not reached between the two sides.