CNI News
11 May 2024

This year Myanmar mango export to China was just one third of last year due to instabilities along the way, said mango traders.


As time delays occur due to battles breaking out along the route going to the border trade gate, the quality of mangoes might decline and so as not to decline like that, although the two governments discussed to make the mangoes get the green line status as an important commodity, it didn't work reportedly. So, the mango export to China has declined, Ko Thitsar, a mango trader, told CNI News.

" The current authorities and the bilateral organizations don't understand the green line. So, they can't make the green line system. We can only tell the drivers to take care of their driving and so as to delay. The number of times delivered by car becomes less. If 100 trucks went with mangoes in the past, now would be 30." he said.

When the mangoes were exported to China through Muse and Kyin San Kyawt border trade in the past, although it took only two days, those gates have been closed now because of battles.

So, the mangoes are being exported to China through the Myla border trade and it takes about seven days and three to ten trucks of mangoes can be exported each day reportedly.

So, the mango market was on the brink of collapse and hardly any mango growers exported mangoes any more. Only companies and brokers' sales centers exported, U San Win, a mango trader, told CNI News.

" At present, there are hardly any mango growers who exported mangoes. Companies and brokers' sales centers inform the buyers of the prices in advance and export as able as they can get. There have been almost no auction systems like in the past. To sustain the system like this, it will be likely to export a lot. Now mangoes are so plentiful within the country. The market is on the brink of collapse." he said.

Although Japan, Singapore and other countries offered to buy Myanmar mangoes this year, they cannot be exported because of their quality weak points reportedly.