CNI News
11 May 2024

When getting tokens for Unique Identification Number smart card, the price for fast availability was around 100,000 kyats, residents of Myawaddy told CNI News.

Although the people who held border pass were allowed to cross the border in the past, but now those who have UID smart cards (national registration smart card) would be allowed to cross the border starting 1st May, 2024.


So, there have been a sharp increase in the number of the people who tried to get tokens to make UIDs and the price that has to be paid to get tokens quickly rose to around 100,000 kyats.


That's why, the issuance of tokens has been suspended starting from 8th May, 2024, an official from a social assistance association in Myawaddy, told CNI News.


While seeing those who came to the immigration office in Myawaddy to apply for UID cards

"The matter of money taken by township immigration officials and brokers was problematic. The issuance of tokens has been suspended for the time being. I wonder how they will restart by which system. The population of Myawaddy residents is just a few. There are more workers who go to the Thai side with a seven day residence permit. The problem is that those who want to get UIDs fast have to pay money. The brokers who have links with immigration officials designated the price for those who get UIDs fast. In the beginning, a card was paid 30,000 to 50,000 kyats. Now the price has been 80,000 to 100,000 kyats." he said.

The issuance of tokens has been suspended starting from 8th May, 2024 and new applications will be accepted starting from 13th May, 2024 reportedly.


The Immigration Office in Myawaddy is providing service to make 300 people get the UID smart carts reportedly. If the smart cards were issued not only in the immigration department but also at the border gates, it would be easier and faster, pointed out people.


While seeing those who came to the immigration office in Myawaddy to apply for UID cards

A border pass will be issued to a person who has had a UID and designating like that has opened a way that applicants have to pay a lot of money, Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Arakan Workers Organization, told CNI News.

“It's just a way to earn an income. A citizen registration card has been issued to a citizen. As soon as you show the card, you can freely travel to Thailand that has been discussed already by the two governments to be able to do so. After giving a name to this issue, they are looking for money. When the authorities lay down a policy, they think about getting benefit from the public but they don't think about how to provide service to the public." he said.

Those who apply for UID smart cards must have household census and citizen registration cards and after biodata collection such as eye scanning and fingerprinting is done, they can get their UID smart cards.

Although the government has directed to provide service free of charge for UID smart cards, brokers are working to get UID smart cards on behalf of applicants who have to give a lot of money at the bottom.