CNI News

15 May 2024

The Thai government's collecting biodata regarding eye and face from Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand by reason of health matter was nothing short of violating human rights, those who are helping migrant workers told CNI News.

The Thai government is carrying out a preliminary program that collects biographic from Myanmar migrant workers and those who left Myanmar in the five districts, Thailand, where most of Myanmar migrant workers have arrived for the public health issues, reported in the Thai news media quoted by the Thai government officials.

In collecting biodata by reason of health matter, data of only Myanmar citizens were being separately collected, excluding other foreigners and the Thai government should fully guarantee so as not to make the data and information, U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from the Foundation for Education and Development, told CNI News.

" The Thai government obviously discriminates. There are three million official migrant workers in Thailand. There are over 2 million Myanmar migrant workers there. If they want to collect the data, they should collect all the foreigners in Thailand. Why are they collecting the data from Myanmar citizens only. These are personal data. Collecting the data like this are related to human dignity and human rights. It goes against human rights. How will they protect the data so as not to leak out? There should be responsibility and accountability." he said.

Myanmar migrant workers

The organizations which are carrying out for the affairs of migrant workers in Thailand would discuss about the natter in question and negotiate with authorities concerned, he added.

Because collecting personal data contained computerized eye and face recognition, they were worried about personal data security of migrant workers, said those who helping migrant workers. At present, although personal data of Myanmar migrants are being collected, later personal data might be collected at the border gates and airports, they reviewed.

Collecting the personal data of Myanmar citizens only might be related to politics, U Tun Win Naing, chairman of the Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN), told CNI News.

" The workers from our country feel their eights are violated. Their security are also hurt. This is because of political situation in Myanmar, I think. Later Myanmar workers in foreign countries will be strictly checked." he said.

The biodata of about 10,000 Myanmar citizens have been collected already at present and Myanmar citizens are being discriminated by Thailand because of volatile Myanmar politics, commented the people who are helping migrant workers.

Collecting personal data probably would be convenient for legal workers but not for illegal workers, pointed out some people.