CNI News

15 May 2024

Because the Haigen Agreement meeting will soon resume, those involved in the peace process are reviewing if there could be a ceasefire between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA). 

the Haigen Agreement Meeting that arose because of the Chinese mediation between the State Administration Council (SAC) and the three northern allies (TNLA, AA, MNDAA) will resume in a few days to come.

After that meeting, there could be a ceasefire between the AA and the Myanmar Tatmadaw that are fighting against each other in Rakhine State, according to those close to the meeting. She thought that the border trade would be mainly discussed and was not sure that the ceasefire would be included, Dr. Hla Kyaw Zaw, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

While seeing the leaders of the AA, the TNLA and the MNDAA

" To the best of my knowledge, they seemingly will discuss the border trade. I'm not sure whether they will discuss to cease fire with the AA. If necessary, they'll cease fire. The AA has been fighting against the Tatmadaw for a bit long. And it's worrying that another conflict would take place between the region where Rohingyas live and the region where Rakhine people live. So, they might cease fire. The territory that the AA has captured is very spacious. The AA doesn't seem to give it back to the Tatmadaw." she said.

At present, the AA had succeeded in its military objective to an extent and it needed to stabilize its territory that it had captured, she pointed out.

The fourth Haigen Meeting between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the three northern allies was held in Kunming City, China from 1st to 3rd March and a ceasefire agreement was reached.

However, the ceasefire didn't contain Rakhine State, said Dr. Nyo Tun Aung, Deputy Commander in Chief of the AA, at the press conference held on 4th March. The Haigen Meeting would be started during this month and the ceasefire agreement between the Tatmadaw and the AA would be reached, according to those close to the meeting.

While seeing the ruins caused by the war in Rakhine State

The AA has seized control of Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Myebon, Mrauk U, Taung Pyo Letwe, Minbya, Ponnagyun and Ranbye in Rakhine State as well as Paletwa and Samee in Chin State.

Fighting had stopped in their township, but due to previous battles, their houses were damaged, so they found it difficult to go home, an IDP from Mrauk U, told CNI News.

" The fighting has stopped in our township. But it's very difficult for those who want to go home because their houses were damaged. The IDPs are expecting grant money. But it doesn't come. It's better if the battles don't break out. The people can't do business in the battle area." he said.

At present, the battles are breaking out between the Myanmar Tatmadaw and the AA in Sittwe, Ann and Kyauk Phyu Townships. The AA has said that it would try to get a confederation status, its political objective and it could implement administration, legislation and judiciary in the territories where it has captured, pointed out some people.