CNI News
18 May 2024

Rakhine politicians and domestic politicians are reviewing how the State Administration Council (SAC) and the Arakan Army (AA) will resolve the issue of Bangali people.


The issue of Bangalis has taken place more widely since early this year and  some people are worried that a communal clash will arise.


The issue has existed since Myanmar gained her independence and to be able to resolve the issue depends on the SAC and the AA, Dr.Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP), told CNI News.

" The AA that is fighting against the Myanmar Tatmadaw in Buthidaung and  Maungdaw seems to be organizing Bangali people and at the same time the Myanmar Tatmadaw is giving military training to Bangali people as militias. If they are recruited in accordance with the People's Military Service Law, they will be granted citizen rights. If so, the SAC will guesstimate the possible future of Rakhine State and Myanmar, and so will the AA and the Rakhine people will estimate as well. There are so many Bengali people in northern Rakhine State such as Buthidaung and Maungdaw. It also depend on how one side will decisively win the other side." he said.


While seeing Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun

Because of the Myanmar Tatmadaw's clearance operations in 2017, about 750,000 Bengali people fled to Bangladesh, according to the Myanmar immigration department.


However, the number of Bengali people who fled to Bangladesh was above 1.2 million, said in the statistics of international organizations.


In relation to that incidence, international community imposed sanctions on the Myanmar Tatmadaw and prosecuted it at the International Court of Justice as well.

The group was always making an effort to get northern Rakhine State. The current issue arose due to the political landscape, U Tun Aung Kyaw, member of the policy steering committee of the Arakan National Party, told CNI news.

While seeing the AA was taking Bengalis away from the battle


" This is not a new issue. When Britain retreated from Myanmar and Japan started invading Myanmar, undesirable big problems took place under the leadership of  the people who wanted northern Rakhine State. There were even genocides in 1942. The problem has started since 1942." he said.

The Tatmadaw, government and security forces never started any communal conflict and it was started by ethnic groups, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team of the SAC.

"The government, security forces, the Tatmadaw and government employees never started every communal conflict. Ethnic people only started. The communal conflicts had to be resolved by the government, security forces and governments. So, the government or security forces never agitated to arise a communal conflict because they would be too busy. And they have to take responsibility and accountability a lot. At present the AA is conducting to become a racial conflict." he said.

At present, Bengali people are protesting against the AA and the AA also is accusing the Myanmar Tatmadaw of exploding Bengali people.