CNI News
18 May 2024

Because men who will go abroad to work have been restricted by the government, illegal border crossing and human trafficking markets could grow bigger, those who are helping migrant workers, told CNI News.

Among the men who will go abroad to work, men between 23 and 31 have been banned from working abroad. Due to restrictions like that, the illegal market can grow bigger and legal agencies that send workers abroad could turn into illegal agencies, Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Thai based Arakan Workers Organization, told CNI News.

" When legitimacy is limited, illegality becomes a market. Costs can increase. Threats can arise in various ways. Legal brokers can change into illegal brokers. Illegal brokers can get worse, that is to say, an illegal market can arise. Legal agencies can become illegal ones." he said.

Because Myanmar youths who wanted to go abroad were so many since before the restriction, Myanmar youths illegally enter neighboring countries everyday. Because the restriction has been laid down now, youths will try to go abroad in any way, according to those who are helping migrant workers.


While seeing workers who will go abroad

However,because neighboring countries have tightened their border security, it would be more difficult to illegally enter neighboring countries, U Nyi Nyi Lwin, director of the Center for Arakan Refugees, told CNI News.

" The restriction becomes an opportunity for human trafficking gangs that are operating with many million dollars. In fact, they have been operating with bribery for two decades or so. It is not easy to stop these gangs. A few people who are trafficked could be arrested." he said.

Permission to work abroad for men has been temporarily suspended since 1st May and one week later, although demand letters from abroad were accepted, it was accepted with age limit only.

Instead of restricting men like that, job opportunities should be created within the country, pointed out those who are helping migrant workers.