CNI News
22 May 2024

The Chinland could not be established by fighting against one another among brothers, Puzothang Puzothang, Director of the Zomi Revolution Army (ZRA) - Eastern Command told CNI News.


Because the Chin National Front/the Chin National Army and joint forces came to attack with massive force, the ZRA troops had to retreat, but the ZRA would not be ruined, he said.

"They came and fought with massive force against us while we were active in our regions with our local troops. We had to retreat a little. But our political attitude will never change. What they fought against us like that, regarding us as their enemy, was because of wrong message. It's unjust. It will be historic in the long run. Our force won't be ruined because of them. It will be better if political problem is solved by political means and military problem, by military means. There is no point in fighting against one another among us, brothers. I wish their leadership knew that. They will know their mistake later. If their attitude is that they only will lead in the politics of Chin State, the relationship among brothers will be ruined." said Puzothang.

The ZNA and its joint forces captured Tonzang and Kyikha towns on 19th May, 2024 and seized control of the ZRA's military camps in those townships, according to regional news agencies in Chin State. Although CNI News phoned Salai Htet Ni, information officer of the CNF to know more about the occupation of the two towns, it has not received any contact from him.


While seeing the CNF Force

Battles often break out between the ZRA and the CNF/CNA in Chin State. Joint forces led by CNF fought against the ZRA because the CNF and joint forces wanted to control trade routes and more tax collection, said a Chin nationality close to the CNF.

" We can't build politics by fighting against one another. We must negotiate. They didn't negotiate with the ZRA leadership. They disdained and fought against us. If this keeps up, eternal hatred among our brothers will exist forever." said Puzothang.

The ZRA is active in Tonzang and Tedim Townships in Chin State, Kalay, Tamu Townships and Kabaw Basin region in Sagaing Region as well as in the India-Myanmar border area.

The CNF is a Chin EAO that has signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and its headquarters is located in Thantlan and it is active in Hakha, Tedim and Matupi Townships.