CNI News
22 May 2024

Because cutting sugarcane in the sugarcane season is about two months late, sugar production will be reduced, according to the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association.


As Sagaing Region, Kachin and Shan States where sugarcane is grown were not stable, it was difficult to cut sugarcane. Because some workers who cut sugarcane had to displace, there were labor shortages as well reportedly.

Although chopping sugarcane was late, sugar mills will operate until sugarcane is no more in the hands of growers. However, quality will decline in sugar production from those sugarcanes and the yield will decrease as well reportedly.

So, sugar that was produced in the current season would not be exported and it would be consumed within the country, U Win Htay, chairman of the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association, told CNI News.

While seeing Myanmar sugarcane

" Sugar mills will operate until sugarcane is no more in the hands of sugarcane growers. But because the sugarcanes are not very fresh, the sugar's quality declines and is a little yellowish. Because the quality is not up to standard a bit to export, the sugar won't be exported. As local demand and price are high, selling the sugar within the country will make more profits." he said.

As harvesting sugarcane was about two months late, the weight also decreased. So, growers faced some losses as well reportedly.


Because truck fares and labor charges were about two times higher, farmers were demanding sugar mills to raise the prices of sugarcane, U Maung Swe, a sugarcane farmer from Sagaing Region, told CNI News.

While seeing Myanmar sugarcane

Because chopping sugarcane was late, it could be difficult to grow on the sugarcane plantation places on which cultivation has been conducted for three years in a row reportedly.


Because it is necessary to grow on three year long plantation places with new sugarcane plants, sugarcanes could not be harvested in time in the coming sugarcane season. So, sugarcane cultivation could be reduced by 10 percent, estimated sugarcane entrepreneurs.

As new sugar mills have arisen this year, sugarcane farmers should take good care of increasing sugarcane yield, has suggested the Myanmar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association.