CNI News
22 May 2024

As the Shan State people are responsible in the revolution against the injustice, Shan people are urged to participate in waging the revolution, stated the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS)/ the Shan State Army (SSA) on 21st May 2024.


It urged the Shan people as above in the statement to mark the 66th anniversary celebration of the Shan National Revolution Day.

" As the Shan people are responsible in the revolution against the injustice, the Shan people are urged to participate in waging the revolution. In solving various problems, the RCSS/SSA will meet with organizations concerned and solve the problems in a peaceful manner." said in the statement released by the RCSS.

The RCSS would meet and discuss with all the stakeholders so as to change from the current administrative system to the federal democratic union and urged all the witness countries of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement to help solve the problems of Myanmar, stated the RCSS.


while seeing the RCSS's statement


The RCSS imposed the conscription law within Shan State and it is giving military training to over 6,000 recruits and expanding administrative territories without waging any battles. On the other hand, the RCSS is discussing with the Myanmar Tatmadaw and has formed alliances with the NCA signatories.

The fighting broke out between the RCSS and the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP)/the United Wa State Army (UWSA) forces in Yatsauk Township, Shan State on 17th May, 2024.