CNI News

27 June 2024

Farmers in Mon State have started practicing the direct paddy planting system by scattering seeds on farms because the fee for transplanting paddy has increased by 50 percent reportedly. 

Although the fee for transplanting paddy was 10,000 kyats per head last year, the fee has been 12,000 to 15,000 kyats this year reportedly. 

The reason why the fee has increased is because commodity prices are higher and there is a labor shortage. Because of these difficulties, farmers were worried that they could not grow paddy in time. So, they started direct planting by scattering seeds on their farms, Ko Lwin Aye, a farmer from Paung Township, Mon State.

While seeing farmers who transplant paddy

" It is called 'scattering field' here in our region. In other words, it is called direct planting. Because of higher fees for transplanting paddy and labor shortage, many farmers have started planting directly. We have to plant paddy when the seeds are 30 days old. If we can't grow the paddy in time, we will face losses. So, many farmers have practiced a direct planting system by scattering seeds on farms. If we do so, we don't have to hire paddy transplanters. But the yield is not as sure as transplanting." he said.

Although planting paddy by scattering seeds could reduce the yield, it could reduce agricultural cost to an extent reportedly. The transplanting system could cost a farmer about 250,000 kyats per acre while direct planting, 3,000 to 4,000 kyats. U Maung Kyi, a farmer from Paung Township, Mon State, told CNI News.

While seeing a rice shop

" If we practice direct planting by scattering seeds, we have to pay for seeds only. It can cost us 35,000 to 40,000 kyats per acre. But if we practice the transplanting system, because of the higher fee for transplanting, it can cost us about 250,000 kyats." he said.

Paddy grown by scattering seeds cannot withstand the flood and biting by gold snails. So, money has to be spent for pesticides. Moreover, the yield is lower than transplanting. So, some farmers don't choose the direct planting system.