CNI News

27 June 2024

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA)/the People's Defense Force (PDF) joint forces have captured some military camps of the Myanmar Tatmadaw during the battles breaking out between the the KIA/PDF joint forces and the Myanmar Tatmadaw in the Indawgyi region, Mohnyin Township, Kachin State, and locals are still trapped in the battles reportedly. 

The joint forces launched an offensive against the Indawgyi region on 22nd June and captured Nyaung Bin and Chaung Wa Villages reportedly.

Due to the military tension between the two sides, although locals wanted to flee to safety, they were still trapped, a local told CNI News. 

" Locals want to leave for  Hopang and Mohnyin. But they can't. The route has been closed at the peak of Nammon Mountain." he said.

While seeing the KIA/PDF

At the Nyaung Bin Village Battle, after negotiation between the two sides, the Myanmar Tatmadaw had to retreat by motor-boats and joined in the Lonton and Nammon military camps, according to locals. At present, the KIA/PDF joint forces have occupied in Nyaung Bin and Chaung Wa, and there are also some shootings in Nammon reportedly.

Because the battles are breaking out in the Indawgyi region, not only can schools not opened, paddy also cannot be grown. So, the price of paddy will go up in the coming year, a local told CNI News in Shanni language.

" More difficult, schools cannot be opened and we cannot grow paddy in the Indawgyi region. So, the price of paddy will go up next year." he said.

The KIA/PDF joint forces have currently captured the Nyaung Bin, Hwelon and Chaung Wa Camps and they might attack Lonton and Nammon in the Indawgyi region, said locals.