CNI News

15 August 2022

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw vowed to create a federal union where all ethnic groups can live together with equality and justice in a message sent to the 72nd Anniversary of the Karen Martyrs’ Day on 12th August.

The CRPH said in the message, “As the people in the entire country have unitedly resisted the military dictatorship which has oppressed them for many years, Karen people have continued its fight against the military dictatorship together with other ethnic groups by sacrificing their lives.”

“On behalf of the entire people, the CRPH would like to thank Karen people at home and abroad by expressing that their warm welcome and protection offered to friendly political and revolutionary forces from all social strata of the anti-coup movement amount to a push for the victory of the revolution.”


A statue of Saw Ba U Gyi.

 “Karen people have been fighting for freedom, equality and self-determination for Karen State for more than 70 years and today is the Karen Martyrs’ Day annually celebrated in honour of fallen Saw Ba U Gyi and all other Karen martyrs who had fought consistently for Karen people’s freedom from oppression.”

It has been 72 years since the Karen Martyrs’ Days was first celebrated on 12th August in 1950, when Saw Ba U Gyi, a leader of the Karen Revolution, died.