CNI News

15 August 2022

If federal democracy is to be established in Myanmar, restrictions about meetings with foreign organizations on political parties should not be imposed, Chairman Dr. Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Party told the CNI.

He added that political parties are entities that will take over government functions and enacting financial laws can regulate political parties.

Dr. Aye Maung said, “It is necessary for political parties to get used to diplomatic relations because they are entities that will take over the functions of the government one day. So, they are trying to get used to diplomatic relations by meeting with foreign diplomats and exchanging views with them because they need to sound them out about their aims and views. They need to study “dos and don’ts”. So, restrictions of meetings, discussions and exchange of views with foreign entities should not be imposed on political parties. As I just said, enacting financial laws to regulate political parties can prevent pulling the strings behind the scene.”

The UEC holds a meeting with political parties

The Union Election Commission sent a letter to political parties on 11th August that they are required to seek prior approvals from it before meeting with foreign entities and individuals as they may violate provisions of the paragraph 5 of the law concerned.

It is a matter that should take the positions of both sides into consideration, Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe of Karen National Democratic Party told the CNI.

Mahn Aung Pyi Soe said, “It is a matter that needs to take the positions of both sides into account. We see ourselves as civilian independent organizations of the people. We will have to look into the consideration of the government and what are the problems. We will have to take the middle path.”

The UEC meets political parties.

It is necessary for the SAC to give freedom to political parties when it faces political, military and diplomatic crises, said Dr. Aye Maung.

The UEC has permitted 92 political parties including 43 parties of political ideologies, 19 parties of ethnic groups and 30 regional parties, according to the UEC.