CNI News

17 August 2022

Myanmar has been heading toward total collapse, U Myo Kyaw, a spokesperson of the United Nationalities Alliance told the CNI.

The coup of the junta is against the constitution they drafted while it lacks the abilities to govern the country, leading it to deterioration in all aspects.

He told the CNI, “Those who assumed to form the government have become oppositions, which have failed to establish legitimacy and show that they have the abilities to restore the power mandated to them by the people, which is the problem. As the coup leader has staged a coup in his own interests, he will never cave in to pressures on it. So, he would not correct his wrongs, the situation of the country will deteriorate gradually and the political system is heading towards collapse. As a result, the people will suffer. If the government wants to reverse the course, it is necessary for it to take the opposite direction.”

The police at a demonstration site in 2021. (The Frontier Myanmar)

He also added that the political landscape was likely to change if the federal union was established with the cooperation of the international community.

Col Saw Kyaw Nyunt, a spokesperson of the Peace Process Steering Team which was formed with seven signatories of the NCA, told the CNI that the current political and economic situation of the country was worrying.

He said, “All sectors including economic and political sectors not only in rural areas but also in urban areas are worrying. These economic crises and hardships directly affect the people. So, the PPST is worried about them. To overcome such crises, we are thinking of ways and means to resolve issues through dialogue but we are not able to implement them comprehensively.”

Anti-coup protests in 2021. (The Frontier Myanmar)

He also said that the conflicting sides should engage in negotiations to overcome the political and economic crises encountered by the people.

Myanmar had been encountering protests as well as the growing political and economic crises since the junta staged a coup on 1st February, 2022.