CNI News

17 August 2022

More than 350,000 civilians have been displaced by armed clashes between the junta troops and the Karen National Union, according to a statement released by the KNU on 16th August.

Recently, fighting has been taking place in the KNU-controlled territory including areas of Thaton District Brigade-1, Taungoo District Brigade-2, Nyaunglebin District Brigade-4, Mutraw District Brigade-5 and Dooplaya District Brigade-6 on a daily basis and local residents have been displaced, according to the statement of the KNU.

The statement added that a total of 356,674 civilians including 94,768 in Thaton District, 7,537 in Taungoo District, 61,898 in Nyaunglebin District, 6,000 in Myeik-Dawei District, 96,180 in Mutraw District and 90,291 in Dooplaya District have been displaced by fighting.

The lists of the displaced due to armed conflicts between the junta troops and the KNU. (KNU-fb)

The KNU also said, “The accommodation, the needs for food, clothing and shelter, health and security of the displaced have been provided by the KNU, the KNLA and the KNDO for respective sectors.”

A political and peace analyst said that the KNU has been providing protection for youths who have taken up arms from the Spring Revolution and engaged in fighting, causing the number of the displaced to increase and that the higher the number of the displaced, the heavier the burden on the KNU.

The KNU also said in the statement, “The KNU and its armed wings like the KNLA and the KNDO have to fight junta troops on a daily basis while managing military spending and providing the needs of the displaced.”

However, the statement said that the KNU is leading the Karen National Revolution and has been engaging in political dialogue and armed conflict for freedom and self-determination since the beginning of the revolution.

KNU troops. (KNU-fb)

It also said that the armed wings of the KNU, the KNLA and the KNDO are fighting for the freedom of the entire Karen people by sacrificing their lives.

The KNU has been training People’s Defence Forces and fighting against junta troops in cooperation with them in the Spring Revolution to establish a federal democracy union since the coup on 1st February,2021.